Registered Builders

HXP History

2023 Impact Report

In 2023, we had 5,122 Builders serving in 53 locations worldwide. Learn more about HXP’s global footprint and your impact that summer.

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Not Yet Registered

2024 Refund Policies

This contains updated 2024 HXP refund policies. This complete list includes trip cancelation, payment deadlines, travel coverage, and more.

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HXP History

Contingency Plan 2024

Humanitarian XP Contingency Plan 2022: Money back guarantee (temporary), safe crossings, domestic alternative trips.

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Not Yet Registered

Parent Builder Agreement

Volunteer Agreement for Adult/ Parent Builder participation. You can also find this document in the Builder Portal.

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worksite in Malawi
Not Yet Registered


The Humanitarian XP Deal Breakers: if you break them, you’ll be sent home—no questions. Read through these and get familiar with them because they’re non-negotiable.

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Not Yet Registered

Youth Builder Agreement

Volunteer Agreement for Builder participation. You can also find this document and agree to the terms in your Builder Portal.

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