Be a Trip Leader



You’ve probably come here because a lot of people you respect have talked to you about being an HXP Trip Leader. But what are you even signing up for? Let us tell you: you are signing up to love kids who will change your life. You’ll get to know these Builders, have fun, cry, laugh, work hard, serve, be stretched beyond what you thought you could—and that’s just the first day. Are you ready for it?

People that have already been Trip Leaders do not need to apply again. They will return by invite only.

Being an HXP Trip Leader is...

What do we look for?

  • A strong testimony of the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a life that consistently reflects that belief
  • Proven ability to inspire and help youth develop greater faith in Jesus Christ
  • Confidence in who you are and your ability to impact lives for good
  • Previous international experience (beyond a mission)
  • Experience working with youth (14-19)
  • A successful academic and/or professional history
  • 21 to 30 years of age by May 31, 2025 (majority of our Trip Leaders are 22+)
  • Commitment to attend a three-day-long Trip Leader Training, May 8-10 2025
  • Able to commit to 45 hours of preparation during the year leading up to your trip
  • Able to commit to 3-5 weeks to HXP during Summer 2025
  • A current temple recommend

What happens after you apply?

For those of you applying for your second or third time, welcome back! Our application process for 2025 has three rounds:

  1. Online application with resume
  2. A one-way recorded interview AND personal intro video
  3. In-person interview at HXP headquarters or on Zoom

Here’s a tip…the sooner you apply, the better chance you have of getting a spot.

Early Admissions will close August 18, 2024 with interviews to follow in October. There are five waves of applications (August 18, October 14,  November 10, December 29, and January 22nd).

All decisions will then be communicated by February 28, 2025 and trip assignments will be announced at “Sorting Day” on March 7, 2025.