In the late 1970s, Cambodia faced a tragic period marked by a mass genocide orchestrated by the Khmer Rouge and led by Pol Pot, who radically pushed to transform the country into a self-sustaining agrarian socialist society. This ruthless campaign targeted educated individuals, specifically teachers and students bearing the brunt of the violence. Shockingly, between 70-90 percent of all teachers and 67 percent of students were killed during this dark chapter in Cambodia’s history, shattering the nation’s education system and compelling them to rebuild it from the ground up.
While significant efforts have been made to improve the educational system, Cambodia’s population continues to struggle with low levels of education. Astonishingly, more than 10 percent of children in the country still lack access to education. One of the largest barriers to overcome is the lack of essential infrastructure. Inadequate instructional space and a shortage of sanitary facilities have led to many children falling behind, with adolescent girls and children with disabilities being particularly affected.
This summer, HXP Builders will work to help make a positive impact in Cambodia by constructing two additional classrooms at a local primary school. This will double the size of the current school and subsequently the amount of students. The current lack of space results in many students foregoing education, but the work HXP Builders will do this summer will have a lasting impact on the community to minimize this problem.