Youth Builder Miracles
2024 Packing Lists
Are you a 2024 Builder? Here are the trip-specific packing details you need to know as you prepare for your HXP trip.
Everyone Belongs: Sage’s Story
“Prior to this trip I had never really felt the spirit before but in that moment a warm feeling came over me and I got an answer to a question.”
Changing Within: Soyer’s Story
“Prior to this trip I had never really felt the spirit before but in that moment a warm feeling came over me and I got an answer to a question.”
Sign Up Solo
Are you trying to figure out how to get on a trip with your friend? Pro Tip: You’ll have a better time if you show up by yourself! Check out these testimonials.
Relationship Building: Ady’s Story
“I think the part that impacted me the most was the people. The people in my group and the people we met in Kenya.”
Preparing for Your Trip: Sage’s Story
A few months before I was due to leave, I decided to look into the country a little bit more. Jordanians mostly speak Arabic, so I decided I was going to commit myself to learning some Arabic before I left. I downloaded DuoLingo, scoured Spotify for an Arabic podcast, and checked out an audiobook from my library. And then I got to work.
Answer to Prayer: Luke’s Story
Luke Cobia became interested in Humanitarian XP when he heard about the amazing experiences his cousin had on a trip.