In the past decade, Malawi has been able to make significant economic and structural reforms and sustain economic growth. However, it still remains one of the poorest countries in the world. Approximately 70 percent of Malawi’s population lives below the poverty line. An early lockdown due to Covid-19 only further increased the financial strain on communities and families. Economic sacrifices have been especially difficult for a nation already battling issues with malnutrition, infectious diseases, and access to education.
Malawi’s education system in particular has not received the funding necessary to provide enough classrooms for an ever-growing population. Many schools have begun using a two or even three-track system to allow multiple groups of children to use the school in a single day. This means many kids can only go to school for a few hours in the morning or afternoon. Even with this track system, classrooms remain severely overcrowded with 60-100+ students packed into each room.
This summer, HXP Builders will be part of the solution to this issue by constructing additional classrooms for a local primary school. The construction of new classrooms will give students a conducive environment for learning which will reduce classroom congestion, absenteeism, and the dropout rate. The new classrooms will also increase enrollment and will improve learner’s performance in school. The service of HXP Builders will be valuable in providing these children with new opportunities for learning, growth, and development.
Source: UNDP