HXP's Global Impact
Thanks to you, this year—summer 2022—was our BIGGEST, most impactful one yet. In our 23rd season, we had about 5,400 working hands serving throughout the world. Youth Builders and Parent Builders, Trip Leaders, and parents at home showed up and banded together to serve others and impact lives. We came together with one goal:
love God. love people.
It’s easy to minimize your influence when all that you remember from your time on the worksite is hours of pickaxing and sand sifting, but we want to take some time to help you see the “Big Picture”. As you’re reviewing these statistics, don’t forget the ripple effect that these projects will have for years to come—you may never fully understand the impact that you had on the people you interacted with. Your group members, the Local Coordinator, the worksite foremen, the woman you befriended in the ward you visited, and the little boy that became your best friend are all better for knowing YOU.
Here’s a quick look into some of the highlights from this summer…
- 47 trip locations
- 27 countries
- 301,940 worksite hours
- 38 schools built
- 25 bathrooms built
- 7 homes built
- 5 medical clinics built
- 1,175 refugees impacted
- 125,000 bags of cement mixed
- 350,000 bricks laid
- 30,000+ hours of home repair
- 1,000+ English lessons taught
Project Stories
Whether you dug the foundation or painted the finishing touches on a mural, you were a part of something big. Your impact will be felt for years to come as more children get opportunities to go to local schools, families have warm homes to sleep in, community members visit nearby health clinics for regular checkups, and teens have safe outlets to make friends off of the streets.
Keep reading to review our 2022 trips by location need, project details, and final results. To learn more about how we pick our projects, check out our 360-degree rubric.
The 2018, U.S. Census data showed that 11.4 percent of families in our country live in poverty. In Appalachia, this number is even higher than the national average. This summer, HXP Builders teamed up with Appalachia Service Project (ASP) to repair homes for families in need. This work included working to fix leaky roofs, soft floors, and unsafe porches and stairs.
In Athens, HXP Refuge Builders partnered with Project Elea and volunteered at Camp Eleonas—a refugee camp that hosted about 2,200 refugees. In the midst of the camp shutting down, Builders still found ways to help refugees. In addition to cleaning up the camp, facilitating English conversation clubs, and learning about the what they’d experienced, HXP Builders took care of refugee children while parents packed up and made plans for new living situations.
In the last few decades, several hurricanes (Ida and Katrina in particular) have caused serious damage to Louisianan infrastructure. Last summer, HXP partnered with Rebuilding Together to provide disaster relief for hurricane victims. Builders worked to provide home repair and renovation services—adding wheelchair ramps, repainting exteriors, and connecting with local community members.
Belize Belmopan
Currently, only 45 percent of secondary-school-aged children in Belize attend school. Of that 45 percent, approximately 60 percent of these students complete school within the standard K-12 timeframe. Less than one-third of the children between the ages of 13 and 16 complete their secondary schooling on time. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed two new classrooms for a community near Belmopan that will give more children the opportunity to continue their education.
Belize Cayo
Last summer, HXP Builders constructed a school for the children of an underfunded community on the outskirts of Cayo. Previously, the school system was using the village’s community center to hold classes. When the community had a need for the building, the students and teachers did not have a place to meet. This newly constructed school creates a long-term solution to the instability of using the community center as well as opening the door for more students to gain an education.
Belize Orange Walk
Belize is a small, often overlooked country in Central America with an incredibly diverse, multilingual community. But for all its rich history and interesting people, Belize’s education system faces some unique problems that result in systemic inequality. Only 45 percent of secondary school-aged children are attending school. Out of that 45 percent, approximately 60 percent of these students complete school within the standard K-12 timeframe. This Summer, HXP builders constructed a two-classroom schoolhouse with the intent to give more youth the opportunity to obtain an education.
Blue Ridge Mountains
In West Virginia, 48 percent of households fall within the bottom five percent of the U.S. median household income. In 2022, HXP partnered with Southern Appalachian Labor School to repair and add wheelchair ramps and decks to homes near Charleston, WV. This area accounts for about 60 percent of the local families living in poverty. Together, Builders worked to create more compatible living spaces for families to enjoy.
Brazil Recife
Although Recife is one of the richest cities in Brazil, it also has some of the highest levels of poverty in the country. The area’s lack of access to education keeps people from getting better jobs and rising out of poverty. This summer, HumanitarianXP Builders constructed a school for a community in the suburbs of Recife.This structure will increase access to school and help locals acquire the skills to get great jobs in the future.
Brazil Santarem
This year, HXP Builders worked in Santarém to build a school for a neighborhood in desperate need. Previously, the community did not have a functioning school building. Students would travel long distances to attend classes in a different area. If they could not afford to travel, they were unable to attend school. This Summer, we partnered with the government to build a school in the students’ own neighborhood. This removed the barrier of distance and increased education accessibility for the local students.
Cape Verde
Unlike much of continental Africa, the Cape Verde islands are generally devoid of natural resources which leaves a quarter of Cape Verde’s population living in poverty. Key factors in breaking the generational poverty cycle are improving the quality of primary education and giving new generations access to better-paying jobs. This summer, HXP Builders worked on the small island of São Vicente adding classrooms to a needy school for local children. The extension of the school allows more children to have regular education, therefore building on the crucial foundation needed for their futures.
Colombia Cartagena
In the last seventy years, Colombia has been working hard to bounce back from the 1948 civil war, which resulted in decades of civil unrest, violence, and increased poverty. Although peace and safety have significantly improved, the effects of this period continue to impact public systems like education. Textbooks and other school fees are a huge burden to families with the lowest income levels. In an effort to make textbooks more accessible for students, HXP Builders constructed a new library. It was predicted to affect about 100 children immediately after construction, and many more in the future.
Costa Rica Cartago
Costa Rica is a country of extreme economic disparity with extreme poverty on the rise. Costa Rica currently faces a lack of faculty resources for childhood education in the mountainous rural areas of the country. Early childhood education is important to ensure that children are developing their cognitive and social skills from a young age. This Summer, HXP Builders constructed classrooms for youth in hopes to increase opportunities for education and positive activities.
Costa Rica San Jose
Due to its relatively low crime rates and more stable government, Costa Rica is an asylum for many Latin American refugees. The addition of these displaced people increases economic and political pressure on the Costa Rican government and society. This year, HXP Builders constructed workshop warehouses where those going through therapy rehabilitation are able to learn new skills before returning to society. These “homes of hope” will improve their individual lives and ultimately improve the community.
Dominican Republic La Cienaga
In the Dominican Republic, only 52% of students complete a full 8 years of elementary school, and students who complete high school enter university at a 6th-grade reading level. In an effort to give more students the space to learn, HXP Builders constructed additional classrooms for a school in La Cienaga. Previously, the students of the school participated in class in an outside learning area. With rain or other weather conditions, this space was not a stable environment for students to learn. These newly constructed classrooms not only give the students more space but also provides a secure and protected place to continue their education.
Dominican Republic Tamboril
In Tamboril, HXP Builders worked to expand a preschool in hopes to increase attendance and give more children the opportunity to learn. They expanded the preschool by adding 2 new classrooms, a lunchroom, a bathroom, and roofing. Previously, the preschool had the capacity to hold 25 students at a time. With the new additions, the school is now able to house 40+ students. While constructing the school, HXP Builders also had the opportunity to teach English classes to children in the local area.
Ecuador Cotopaxi
In Ecuador, only 19 percent of the entire rural population is registered in school. Many low-income families have to make an impossible choice: register children for school or send them to work to provide for the family. In 2022, HXP Builders added classrooms to an overcrowded school. This additional space will make education more accessible to local youth and help enrollment in school be seen as an investment rather than a sacrifice.
Ecuador Cuenca
In Ecuador, only 19 percent of the entire rural population is registered in school. Although education is “free”, additional costs and a lack of basic infrastructure make attending school almost impossible. In 2022, HXP Builders built four additional classrooms for an overcrowded school in an underfunded community. This space will make education more accessible to local youth and help enrollment in school be seen as an investment.
Fiji Nadi
Although Fiji is well known for its beautiful beaches and five-star resorts, 34 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Typically, communities only have one bathroom, meaning people typically go to the bathroom outside. Because of this, water sanitation is poor and many diseases are unnecessarily spread. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed 25 bathrooms in 5 remote villages near Nadi which will improve sanitation for years to come.
Fiji Suva
Although Fiji is a highly regarded tourist destination, 34 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Because 79 percent of students in Fiji schools don’t have access to the internet at home, the only place they might enjoy this opportunity is through their local schools. In 2022, HumanitarianXP Builders added a two-room computer lab and library for a school outside of Suva. This structure will allow 300 students to learn applicable computer and reading skills and will enable them to improve their futures.
Ghana Accra
In Ghana, 25 percent of the overall population are illiterate and 60 percent are never enrolled in lower secondary education. This means that almost half of primary school-aged children are dropping out of school before they reach 6th grade. This summer, HXP Builders partnered with a local nonprofit to continue adding classrooms to an overcrowded school. This self-sustaining school won’t turn away any children that can’t afford fees and the three additional classrooms will help even more students get an education.
Ghana Cape Coast
In Ghana, 25 percent of the overall population are illiterate and 60 percent are never enrolled in lower secondary education. This means that almost half of primary school-aged children are dropping out of school before they reach 6th grade. In 2022, HumanitarianXP Builders constructed a secondary schoolhouse at a 115-year-old school that is known for its great education but lacked well-maintained facilities. These new classrooms will provide a positive and safe environment of learning for current students and enable the school to accept even more students.
Great Lakes
Detroit, Michigan is an area greatly impacted by poverty—nearly 21 percent of the population lives under the poverty line, 97 percent of elementary school children are on free or reduced lunch, and many families can’t afford safe sustainable housing. In 2022, HXP partnered with Habitat for Humanity to build new homes, repair damaged ones, and elevate the standard of living for low-income families.
Guatemala Xela
Although Guatemala’s government has made improvements to health services, rural populations still struggle to access basic aid. In a neighborhood just outside of Xela, health care workers run a clinic for 11,000 local families. During the rainy season, flooding caused pollution to flow directly causes the health clinic, compromising the sterile environment necessary for medical procedures. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed a health clinic that will divide the demand of medical needs, support local health professionals, and create a more sanitary and stable healthcare environment for those who are in need of assistance.
Hawaii Hilo
In Hawaii, many people dream of owning a family home, but due to the high influx in prices and low average income, purchasing ability is very limited. Currently, Hilo’s average price for a single-family home is $764,000, but the average household income is less than $58,000. Last summer, HXP partnered with Habitat for Humanity to help people get off the streets and into comfortable, safe homes. Our groups constructed two homes and worked on other projects to support displaced families.
In Jordan, over 600,000 refugees come from Syria where civil war has raged for almost a decade. Iraqis, Sudanese, and Egyptians also come seeking refuge. These people are meant to reside in Jordan for no longer than six months before being resettled, but in reality, many refugees have lived in Jordan for years–sometimes decades. They struggle to survive in a new country and social system, and have been especially impacted by the pandemic. In 2022, HXP Builders served at a small school on the outskirts of Amman where they built two new classrooms, renovated a storage room, and provided activities and English classes to refugee children.
Kenya Kisumu
In 2019, Bill and Melinda Gates wrote a letter about some of the biggest surprises they have seen: As more children survive to adulthood, women are having fewer kids than ever before—except in Africa. If sub-Saharan Africa commits to investing in its young people, it will unlock a better life for hundreds of millions of people. Last summer, HumanitarianXP worked with a local community to improve the educational system. Builders constructed a school to for primary-aged students in order to improve physical facilities and allow for a better teacher to student ratio.
Kenya Nairobi
Many local schools in Kenya need assistance. High enrollments, poor government funding, insufficient physical facilities and overcrowded classrooms with inadequate teaching and learning resource materials are some of the challenges that burden small schools and create a heavy workload for teachers. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed a classroom in an area on the outskirts of Kisumu that will transform the educational opportunities for primary-aged children the community.
Lone Star
The cities along the Texas-Mexico border have an exciting rich blend of two cultures. However, over the years, those cities have lacked access to necessary resources which resulted in an extreme poverty rate of up to 36.85 percent compared to the national average of 11.8 percent. Many residents are struggling to make ends meet. are in need of home repairs, and are unable to break the cycle of generational poverty due to a lack of resources and funds. This summer, HXP builders worked with the local city council and Church leaders to provide necessary home repairs, safe housing, and other infrastructure to citizens and immigrants living in poverty.
Malawi Blantyre
In Malawi, economic sacrifices have been especially difficult for a nation already battling issues with malnutrition, infectious diseases, and access to education. Malawi’s education system in particular has not received the funding necessary to provide enough classrooms or bathrooms for an ever-growing population. Many classrooms are severely overcrowded with 60-100+ students packed into each room. In an effort to help Malawi’s education crisis, HXP builders helped construct classrooms at local schools, offering new spaces for children to receive their education.
Malawi Lilongwe
In the past decade, Malawi has made significant economic and structural reforms and sustain economic growth, yet it remains one of the poorest countries in the world. The country has the third-lowest GDP in the world, and the country is constantly battling malnutrition and infectious diseases. Currently, Malawi is home to over 47,000 refugees and asylum-seekers, but the government lack sufficient funds and space to accommodate so many refugees. This summer, HXP Refugee participants constructed small homes for families and added a chicken coop to allow for children in the refugee camp to have access to better food and more protein each day.
Last year, Malta hosted 19 refugees for ever 1,000 inhabitants and the island is ranked 10th in the world of countries with the most refugees per capita. The largest population of of refugees come to Malta from African countries, especially Libya. HXP builders worked at a refugee center right in the heart of the island. Here, the builders renovated lodging, built a greenhouse, taught classes, and volunteered with the refugees. Builders built lasting relationships with people from different backgrounds and worked together to improve the current and future situation of those living in the center.
Mozambique Maputo
Mozambique is facing a serious health crisis—more than one in ten adults have HIV/AIDS and over 200,000 children are affected by the disease as well. Almost 44% of young Mozambicans have stunted growth due to chronic illness and poor diet. In an effort to help the Mozambicans affected by this crisis, HXP builders helped construct 3 additional rooms at a neighborhood health center outside of the capital of Maputo.
Mozambique Matola
In Matola, it can be difficult for children to receive an education year-round due to the monsoon season. During the rainy season, students huddle together under the shelter of their makeshift tin classrooms, but water still leaks in and not all students can fit in the dry areas. Some students sit outside or huddle under trees, bringing on illness and damaging learning materials. This summer, HXP builders helped expand an elementary school in Matola, ensuring that at least 700 of the 2000+ children can attend school year-round.
Outer Banks
North Carolina’s poverty rate was 13.6 percent in 2019, meaning that 1.4 million people live in poverty without adequate or affordable housing options. With the boom of recreational and private communities, the cost of real estate has been driven up so high that most mid- and low-income families can’t afford to purchase homes. In order to provide more affordable housing, HXP builders helped construct safe, secure homes for the residents of North Carolina.
Panama Chorrilo
Due to the pandemic, the income gap between social classes in Panama has significantly increased. This growing difference makes incentivizing education challenging for children as, too often, they need to enter the workforce to help provide for their families. In order to help bridge the socioeconomic gap in Panama, HXP builders helped construct a school to provide easier access to education that will allow Panamanians to have more opportunities in the future.
Over 30 percent of Paraguay’s population survives on about 2 dollars per day, and only 50 percent of children never complete secondary education. In Asunción, families are from an indigenous community, and their children have limited access to future employment outside of rural farming. This summer, HXP builders helped construct additional classrooms at a local school to increase the school’s student capacity and allow for easier access to education.
Peru Iquitos
Iquitos is the capital of the Peruvian Amazon, and nearly 40 percent of children don’t attend a preparatory school. At a local preschool in Iquitos, conditions are less than adequate with unstable walls and limited space. This summer, HXP builders helped construct additional classrooms for this preschool in order to provide safe, clean access to education for young Peruvians.
Peru Lima
Unemployment rates in Peru have skyrocketed to nearly 30 percent nationally and have gotten as high as 55 percent in some rural areas. A significant contributor to Peruvian poverty is the country’s education gap, and dropping out of school at a young age is common. The lack of educational infrastructure only increases the number of hurdles students have to overcome. The demand for education in Peru is high, but schools are unable to accommodate the number of children who want to attend. In an effort to create more safe, accessible housing, HXP builders helped construct classrooms for a community right in the heart of Lima, allowing more children the opportunity to gain an education in a steady environment.
Puerto Rico Ponce
In 2017, Puerto Rico was hit by a category five hurricane, Hurricane Maria. The damage from the storm was extensive, and locals in Ponce are still dealing with the aftermath. In Ponce, nearly 52 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. This summer, HXP builders helped repair and rebuild for this demographic including work on schools, community centers, and individual homes.
Tahiti Pape'ete
Almost one-fourth of the local population of Tahiti lives in poverty, and one of the greatest needs Tahitians face is housing. Since 68 percent of the country’s income comes from tourism, the pandemic took a toll on the housing problem in Tahiti. HXP builders helped with this housing crisis by building shelters for struggling members of the community.
Tahiti Taravao
Conditions in Tahiti have been more than unwelcoming due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Locals have been struggling to find clean, safe places to live and adequate housing has been hard because of the lack of tourism to the islands. This summer, HXP builders constructed shelters for Tahitian locals that will benefit them both now and for generations to come.
Thailand Chaing Mai
The government of Thailand puts a significant emphasis on education, providing free education at public schools until the 9th grade. However, rural schools in Thailand are often much less equipped than schools in cities. Some children have to commute 60 to 80 kilometers to schools in the city to receive a proper education. In order to combat this issue, HXP builders helped construct classrooms to promote high-quality education in the rural areas of Thailand.
Thailand Udon
While Thailand has a 93 percent average literacy rate, and a government-mandated 9 years of “basic education”, some students in rural areas find their schools poorly equipped due to budgetary limitations, building quality, and education accessibility. This summer, HXP Builders constructed classrooms and a community center in a rural Thai neighborhood. Proper education is now much more accessible to local students.
Uganda faces many challenges in providing quality and accessible basic education. As a result, only 1 in 4 of children in Uganda makes it past elementary school and less than half are literate by the end of this schooling. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed a school in Kampala that will be a facility that can cater to more students, provide jobs for teachers, and be a greater resource to practice learning and development.
Zimbabwe’s health sector is severely overburdened, with roughly 1.6 doctors for every 10,000 people, according to the World Health Organization. A local nurse named Precious took it upon herself to open a small health clinic in what used to be her neighborhood convenience store, and that is now the only option for medical care in her area. In 2022, HXP Builders constructed a new medical center that will help medical providers like Precious provide the patient care that the area is in need of.