Once you’ve been booked on a trip, you can cancel your trip through your Builder Portal. Your $500 deposit is refundable up until December 23, 2022 at 11:59 PM, or 48 hours after you’ve been booked on your trip (you’ll receive a confirmation email from us as soon as you’ve been placed on a trip). After that time, your deposit becomes non-refundable. Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information regarding HXP Cancelation Policies.
When you cancel, please keep in mind that this action cannot be undone. Canceling your trip will not only cancel the trip spot you’ve been booked on, but it will also cancel your entire HXP account and registration information. If you would like to talk with a HXP team member about your specific cancelation/refund request please do so BEFORE canceling your trip. You can direct these questions to info@humanitarianxp.org using subject line “Cancel Trip Question”.
Cancel Trip Tutorial
If you are currently on the waitlist and want to cancel your trip, you can cancel by sending us an email at info@humanitarianxp.org. As long as you stay on the waitlist and have never been placed on a trip, your $500 deposit remains refundable through August 2023. For more information regarding our 2023 Waitlist Policies, click here.