The Temple Experience on your HXP trip
A highlight of your HXP trip is the chance to visit a temple, usually near the end of our journey together. This visit offers a meaningful opportunity for personal and spiritual reflection. Where possible, Builders will have the chance to participate in temple ordinances, such as baptisms for the dead.
During this time, your Trip Leaders will guide a devotional to help you reflect on the experiences and lessons you’ve gathered throughout the trip. It’s a moment to pause, journal, and explore how the temple connects to your life and spiritual growth. This experience is designed to deepen your understanding and enrich your journey with us.
What if I'm not able to go inside?
Being on the temple grounds can be just as meaningful as going inside. Entering the temple is optional, and if you choose not to enter, that’s okay! You’ll stay with a small group and take part in an alternative activity centered on spiritual reflection and connection. It’s all about finding the experience that resonates with you.

Which temple will I visit?
The temple you’ll visit will depend on your trip location. The temple location may differ from your HXP trip location. It might be a temple in the states near the airport where your group gathers, or for others, it could be a future temple site in the region where you’re serving. Be sure to check your trip page for details on the specific temple visit planned for your group.
Things to remember:
If you’re planning to participate in temple ordinances, make sure you bring a current, valid limited-use temple recommend. Plan ahead to meet with a member of your Bishopric or Branch Presidency to get your recommend in time for your trip.
Any other questions or special circumstances?
Please call or email us and we’ll be happy to help out.