The Builder Checklist contains all of the items that you need to complete before your trip leaves this summer. You’ll upload all of your Builder Checklist items in your Builder Portal. Once you are booked on a trip, you must complete each checklist item as soon as possible, particularly your payments, passport information, and notarized authorization, to guarantee you’ll be able to travel.
Below is an all-you-need-to-know guide to the checklist items you must complete. HXP HQ will send out reminder emails with more details as deadlines approach.
Trip payments are structured as follows:
- Deposit at registration: $500 per person
- Midway payment: $500 per person for domestic Builders (total of $1,000 paid), $1,500 per person for international Builders (for a total of $2,000 paid)
- Final payment: The remainder of your trip cost (this varies trip-to-trip)
If you’d like to make any of these payments earlier than the deadlines, you’re welcome to do so. If you are not paid in full by our scheduled final payment date, you run the risk of being removed from your trip.
COMPANY MATCHES: Every company does donation matches a bit differently. For most, the child or their parent must be an employee to receive a match. In those cases, the company may either 1) have you pay and then ask for a receipt so they can match it in a donation to us or 2) have you pay them and then they will send us a donation with the total matched amount. If your company does do matches, reach out to your HR department to see how they’d like you to proceed.
If you are looking to receive a match from a company that you don’t work for, we suggest writing a personalized letter detailing your trip’s project, HXP’s background and mission, why you would be deserving of a match, and why they would benefit from matching your donation. Usually, smaller companies benefit from making charitable contributions, so I’d suggest reaching out to them first. You can find your project story here and some more information about HXP here.
HELPFUL LINKS: On the Payment Information page, you can find access to HXP donations, fundraising ideas, and the HXP tax ID form.
The All About You information is very important as it helps your Trip Leaders get to know you a bit better before your trip! Your Trip Leaders already love you so much. They pray for you daily and want you to have the best experience. Please make sure that you fill out every entry and leave none blank.
If you want to learn more of what Trip Leaders are like, check out our Trip Leader Page.

PASSPORT (Don't ignore even if you have a passport!)
Pull out your physical passport RIGHT NOW and double-check its expiration date. If you are going on an international trip, apply for one RIGHT NOW! Passports have been taking longer than usual to get processed, so please double-check your passport’s expiration date, and DON’T PROCRASTINATE getting a new one! All Builders will need a passport that will be valid for 6 months after their trip return date.
If you currently have a passport that will be valid for at least 6 months after your trip’s return date, upload it to the Builder Portal.
Click here for Passport Prep and here for Tips for Getting Your Passport.
For a tutorial video on how to upload your passport, click here.

These packets will cover exciting information on what to expect with your HXP experience. Review them together & sign below.
Parent and Emergency Contact information is critical in case of an emergency on a trip, so make sure to get this done!
Please get this agreement signed by a notary and upload it to your Builder Portal. Be sure to double-check that the trip dates you are writing on the form match the dates of the trip listed on your Builder Portal. Your form will not be approved by HXP if these dates are incorrect. For more notarized authorization information, click here.
For a tutorial video of how to upload your notarized authorization, click here. If your notarized authorization contains two pages, make sure to upload ONE file that contains both pages. Here is a helpful tutorial video for how to combine files!
The health form has two parts- one that you complete and one that a doctor completes and signs off on. Your portion will be completed online before completing the Doctor’s portion. Please make the necessary appointments so the form is turned in on time.
For a full walkthrough of the health form, click here. Make sure to upload all pages of the health form in ONE file! For a tutorial of how to combine multiple files into one file, click here.
Your trip’s GroupMe group chat will be released 90 days before your trip departs. Make sure to join that chat as soon as it is released as it will contain critical information regarding your trip!
Join your Group Me chat by following the link provided on the Builder portal. Be sure to log into your GroupMe account on the device you are using before you open the link.

We’ll release your international flight information 90 days before your trip departs as this is typically when flight times start to settle. Once this information is released, go ahead and book your flight and input that information into your portal.
Flight information can be found on the Builder portal. Remember! Builders must be at the airport 4 hours before international flight departure and they can book a flight 3 hours after trip end time.
If your trip requires a vaccine, please make sure to get that vaccine before your departure date. More information on vaccines can be found in your portal.
Visa information is available on the Builder portal. There will be step-by-step instructions and a tutorial video for the entirety of the application process. Visas are time-sensitive tasks, so make sure to complete these tasks on time.
Every Parent Builder is required to attend a MANDATORY 3-hour training before going on their trip. Make sure to sign up for a training time that works for you and mark your calendar for that date. There will be three in-person training options (held in Salt Lake City) and five virtual training options. You only need to attend ONE training. If you choose to attend virtually, please make sure to prioritize this training and make sure you’re in a place where you can be completely attentive with your cameras on. We will update you with more details regarding training locations and Zoom links as we get closer to the training dates.
Each Parent Builder must complete a background check, regardless if they’ve been a Parent Builder before. The background check is $25 and is not covered in the HXP trip cost. Make sure to get your background check completed through our third-party partners, Validity, and click the box in the portal once you’ve submitted it. You cannot attend your trip without having completed a background check.
Here is a list of tutorial videos to help you navigate your checklist!