Dear 2024 Builder,
Welcome to HXP! Around here, we take the phrase “on earth as it is in heaven” pretty literally. That comes from a lot of faith, a lot of hard work, and a WHOLE lot of love for you.
I believe the work we’ll be doing together in 2024 to serve our friends around the world is more important than ever before. As you serve, you will learn better how God speaks to you, and you will be strengthened and prepared for what lies ahead. I believe there has never been a generation with more responsibility-or more capacity-to understand truth, and to learn it from the source. This is truly your time.

Your “to do” list this summer contains only two items: love God, and love people. On your trip consider following President Nelson’s advice: “find a quiet place where you can regularly go, humble yourself before God, and pour out your heart to your Heavenly Father. Turn to Him for answers, for truth, and for comfort. And then, listen to what the Spirit has to tell you.”
To that end, consider spending a little time in personal prayer in the months BEFORE your trip, asking your Father in Heaven to help you prepare. It doesn’t have to be a big deal; just ask Him what you need to do now in order to be ready to see miracles. He’ll tell you. In fact, wherever you are right now in your own personal spiritual journey, consider taking it up a level as you prepare for your trip. Maybe spend a little more time on your knees, maybe read your Book of Mormon a little more intently, maybe find someone you can consciously serve. Maybe fast on behalf of the people in your group, or go do baptisms and put their names on the prayer roll. You are about to experience one of the most incredible adventures of your life, and the more you get to know your Savior in preparation, the more you’ll reflect His love and power while you’re out there.
I’ve been doing humanitarian work for many years, and it never fails to surprise me how the Lord brings the right people to the right place at the right time they’re needed. I believe there’s something unique and important that only you can do this summer. So get ready, because I am counting on you to write your own page in the incredible story of HXP. Let the Spirit teach you, and I promise you: there will be miracles.
With Love,
Amy Antonelli
Chief Executive Officer
Humanitarian Experience, Inc.